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sets-suibokuga-fude-B (ink paintingsumie) / 水墨画筆セット B
TOKUSEI-CHORYU M TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M TOKUSEI-KUMADORI L ITACHI-MENSO S This is a set of the above 4 products. The Tokushei Choryu brushes are mainly used for ink painting. The medium size is recommended for practicing Suiboku-ga (ink painting), as it is rather small and easy to handle as a tsuketate brush. Kumatori-fude are used for blurring ink and colors. Tokushei-sakuyo-fude can be used for fine drawing and coloring. Menso-fude are used for drawing details of human and animal faces and flowers. For more information on Choryu, please see the following page. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.CHORYU-M This art brush is recommended for practicing ink painting. 2.SAKUYO-M This art brush is used for drawing lines and coloring. 3.KUMADORI-L This art brush is used for blending ink and color. 4.MENSO(Weasel hair)-S This art brush is used for painting details on human and animal faces and flowers. This is a set of four art brushes, one each of the above.
sets-suibokuga-fude-A (ink paintingsumie) / 水墨画筆セット A
TOKUSEI-CHORYU S TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S TOKUSEI-KUMADORI M This is a set of three art brushes, one each of the above. Choryu small brushes are mainly used for drawing with sumi ink. The small size is recommended for practicing Suiboku-ga (ink painting), as it is small and easy to handle as a tsuketate brush. Kuma-tori brushes are used for blurring ink and colors. Special sharpening brushes can be used for detailed drawing and coloring. This set includes a complete set of brushes necessary for practicing Suiboku-ga. It can also be used for writing picture letters. For more information on the Choryu, please see the following page. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.CHORYU-S This art brush is recommended for practicing ink painting. 2.SAKUYO-S This art brush is used for drawing lines and coloring. 3.KUMADORI-M This art brush is used for blending ink and color.
sets-haiga-fude-A (Haiku picturesumie) / 俳画筆セットA
This will be a set for haiga painting. The haiga brushes are for painting suiboku-ga (ink painting) and sumi-ai-ga (ink painting). Menso brushes are for fine writing and small characters. In general, haiga is a simplified painting of haiku (s?ga). It can be painted freely without formalities. HAIGA-FUDE S umake-menso-fude The above two brushes are included in the set.
SETSUGETSUKA (ink painting,calligraphy) / 雪月花
Usage:japanese painting,ink painting,japanese characters,付立筆(tsuketate-fude) Main raw material:black raccoon dog hair, black horse tail hair, deer hair, goat hair Full length:295mm Brush head diameter:7.9mm Brush head length:52mm Product Details: The center of the brush tip is made of black raccoon dog and black horse tail hair, which have elasticity and strength, and have a good firmness at the tip and the waist. It is also used as a brush for japanese characters. The soft, long nib allows you to draw flowing lines. The use of firm bristles in the center of the nib allows for thicker lines to be drawn. This brush can continue to draw long lines, making it suitable for writing large picture letters, and in recent years, it has been widely used for unconventional design calligraphy. They are also appreciated as gifts due to their beautiful appearance.
TOKUSEI-CHORYU S (ink painting) / 特製長流 小
Usage:Japanese painting. Main raw material:Black raccoon, weasel, goat hair, goat tail hair, deer Full length:262mm Brush head diameter:7.5mm Brush head length:35mm Product Details:This is a brush for japanese painting and suiboku-ga (ink painting), which can be used for all purposes. With moderate elasticity and good water retention, this brush is especially suited for Suiboku-ga. The tip can also be used to draw lines. The side of the brush can also be used to draw a shape on the surface of the brush without drawing an outline, taking advantage of its elasticity and water content. -------------------- (CAT:TOKUSEI-CHORYU) TOKUSEI-CHORYU S TOKUSEI-CHORYU M TOKUSEI-CHORYU L TOKUSEI-CHORYU XL
TOKUSEI-CHORYU M (ink painting) / 特製長流 中
Usage:Japanese painting. Main raw material:Black raccoon, weasel,goat hair, goat tail, deer Full length:268mm Brush head diameter:8.5mm Brush head length:40mm Product Details:This is a brush for japanese painting and suiboku-ga (ink painting), which can be used for all purposes. With moderate elasticity and good water retention, this brush is especially suited for Suiboku-ga. The tip can also be used to draw lines. The side of the brush can also be used to draw a shape on the surface of the brush without drawing an outline, taking advantage of its elasticity and water content. -------------------- (CAT:TOKUSEI-CHORYU) TOKUSEI-CHORYU S TOKUSEI-CHORYU M TOKUSEI-CHORYU L TOKUSEI-CHORYU XL
TOKUSEI-CHORYU L (ink painting) / 特製長流 大
Usage:Japanese painting. Main raw material:Black raccoon, weasel,goat hair, goat tail, deer Full length:271mm Brush head diameter:9.5mm Brush head length:44mm Product Details:This is a brush for japanese painting and suiboku-ga (ink painting), which can be used for all purposes. With moderate elasticity and good water retention, this brush is especially suited for Suiboku-ga. The tip can also be used to draw lines. The side of the brush can also be used to draw a shape on the surface of the brush without drawing an outline, taking advantage of its elasticity and water content. -------------------- (CAT:TOKUSEI-CHORYU) TOKUSEI-CHORYU S TOKUSEI-CHORYU M TOKUSEI-CHORYU L TOKUSEI-CHORYU XL
TOKUSEI-CHORYU XL (ink painting) / 特製長流 特大
Usage:Japanese painting. Main raw material:Black raccoon, weasel,goat hair, goat tail, deer Full length:275mm Brush head diameter:10mm Brush head length:49mm Product Details:This is a brush for japanese painting and suiboku-ga (ink painting), which can be used for all purposes. With moderate elasticity and good water retention, this brush is especially suited for Suiboku-ga. The tip can also be used to draw lines. The side of the brush can also be used to draw a shape on the surface of the brush without drawing an outline, taking advantage of its elasticity and water content. -------------------- (CAT:TOKUSEI-CHORYU) TOKUSEI-CHORYU S TOKUSEI-CHORYU M TOKUSEI-CHORYU L TOKUSEI-CHORYU XL
NYOSUI S (drawing lines,painting color) / 如水 小
Usage:Line drawing brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Premium goat hair, goat tail Full length:258mm Brush head diameter:6.4mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush used for japanese painting, ink painting, etc. The slim shape of the pen allows it to be used for line drawing and coloring. Nyosui's goat hair is made of high-grade goat hair, which produces elegant and soft lines. The tips are soft and difficult to control, but they are very good at holding water. Its high water retention capacity makes it popular for watercolor painting, dyeing, and ceramic painting. (CAT:NYOSUI ) NYOSUI S NYOSUI M NYOSUI L
NYOSUI M (drawing lines,painting color) / 如水 中
Usage:Line drawing brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Premium goat hair, goat tail Full length:265mm Brush head diameter:7.0mm Brush head length:36mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush used for japanese painting, ink painting, etc. The slim shape of the pen allows it to be used for line drawing and coloring. Nyosui's goat hair is made of high-grade goat hair, which produces elegant and soft lines. The tips are soft and difficult to control, but they are very good at holding water. Its high water retention capacity makes it popular for watercolor painting, dyeing, and ceramic painting. (CAT:NYOSUI ) NYOSUI S NYOSUI M NYOSUI L
NYOSUI L (drawing lines,painting color) / 如水 大
Usage:Line drawing brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Premium goat hair, goat tail Full length:270mm Brush head diameter:8.2mm Brush head length:42mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush used for japanese painting, ink painting, etc. The slim shape of the pen allows it to be used for line drawing and coloring. Nyosui's goat hair is made of high-grade goat hair, which produces elegant and soft lines. The tips are soft and difficult to control, but they are very good at holding water. Its high water retention capacity makes it popular for watercolor painting, dyeing, and ceramic painting. (CAT:NYOSUI ) NYOSUI S NYOSUI M NYOSUI L
KACHO-UNPITSU S (ink painting) / 花鳥運筆 小
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:255mm Brush head diameter:7mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is used for painting plants, flowers, birds, and animals, which are the foundation of japanese and ink painting. It is also recommended for practicing the stroke. -------------------- (CAT:KACHO-UNPITSU) KACHO-UNPITSU S KATCHO-UNPITSU M KACHO-UNPITSU L
KATCHO-UNPITSU M (ink painting) / 花鳥運筆 中
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:263mm Brush head diameter:8.7mm Brush head length:36mm Product Details:This brush is used for painting plants, flowers, birds, and animals, which are the foundation of japanese and ink painting. It is also recommended for practicing the stroke. -------------------- (CAT:KACHO-UNPITSU) KACHO-UNPITSU S KATCHO-UNPITSU M KACHO-UNPITSU L
KACHO-UNPITSU L (ink painting) / 花鳥運筆 大
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:268mm Brush head diameter:9.4mm Brush head length:42mm Product Details:This brush is used for painting plants, flowers, birds, and animals, which are the foundation of japanese and ink painting. It is also recommended for practicing the stroke. -------------------- (CAT:KACHO-UNPITSU) KACHO-UNPITSU S KATCHO-UNPITSU M KACHO-UNPITSU L
HAIGA-FUDE S (for haiku picture) / 俳画筆 小
Usage:ink painting, line drawing brush, haiga Main raw material:Black raccoon dog, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:257mm Brush head diameter:7.5mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is for ink painting and haiga. one brush for brush stroke, line drawing, and coloring. The elasticity of the ear neck makes it easy to control. It is recommended for beginners as it is easy to handle. general, haiga are haiku with pictures attached to them. It is also a simpler and more simple form of haiga than ink painting. (CAT:HAIGA-FUDE) HAIGA-FUDE S HAIGA-FUDE M HAIGA-FUDE L
HAIGA-FUDE M (for haiku picture) / 俳画筆 中
Usage:ink painting, line drawing brush, haiga Main raw material:Black raccoon dog, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:265mm Brush head diameter:8.5mm Brush head length:35mm Product Details:This brush is for ink painting and haiga. one brush for brush stroke, line drawing, and coloring. The elasticity of the ear neck makes it easy to control. It is recommended for beginners as it is easy to handle. general, haiga are haiku with pictures attached to them. It is also a simpler and more simple form of haiga than ink painting. (CAT:HAIGA-FUDE) HAIGA-FUDE S HAIGA-FUDE M HAIGA-FUDE L
HAIGA-FUDE L (for haiku picture) / 俳画筆 大
Usage:ink painting, line drawing brush, haiga Main raw material:Black raccoon dog, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:266mm Brush head diameter:9.5mm Brush head length:40mm Product Details:This brush is for ink painting and haiga. one brush for brush stroke, line drawing, and coloring. The elasticity of the ear neck makes it easy to control. It is recommended for beginners as it is easy to handle. general, haiga are haiku with pictures attached to them. It is also a simpler and more simple form of haiga than ink painting. (CAT:HAIGA-FUDE) HAIGA-FUDE S HAIGA-FUDE M HAIGA-FUDE L
JYOHIN-MARUYAMA S (ink painting) / 上品円山筆 小
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:253mm Brush head diameter:6.9mm Brush head length:27mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush, a brush for painting japanese painting and ink painting. This brush can be used to draw basic lines and surfaces. This brush can be used to paint plants, trees, bamboo, etc. with shading with this one brush. This brush is capable of various expressions such as delicate drawing and techniques using the side of the brush. The slightly shorter tip makes the brush resilient and easy to control, so it is recommended for beginners and those who want to learn how to write. -------------------- (CAT:JYOHIN-MARUYAMA) JYOHIN-MARUYAMA S JYOHIN-MARUYAMA M JYOHIN-MARUYAMA L JYOHIN-MARUYAMA LL
JYOHIN-MARUYAMA M (ink painting) / 上品円山筆 中
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:261mm Brush head diameter:7.8mm Brush head length:33mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush, a brush for painting japanese painting and ink painting. This brush can be used to draw basic lines and surfaces. This brush can be used to paint plants, trees, bamboo, etc. with shading with this one brush. This brush is capable of various expressions such as delicate drawing and techniques using the side of the brush. The slightly shorter tip makes the brush resilient and easy to control, so it is recommended for beginners and those who want to learn how to write. -------------------- (CAT:JYOHIN-MARUYAMA) JYOHIN-MARUYAMA S JYOHIN-MARUYAMA M JYOHIN-MARUYAMA L JYOHIN-MARUYAMA LL
JYOHIN-MARUYAMA L (ink painting) / 上品円山筆 大
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:264mm Brush head diameter:8.6mm Brush head length:39mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush, a brush for painting japanese painting and ink painting. This brush can be used to draw basic lines and surfaces. This brush can be used to paint plants, trees, bamboo, etc. with shading with this one brush. This brush is capable of various expressions such as delicate drawing and techniques using the side of the brush. The slightly shorter tip makes the brush resilient and easy to control, so it is recommended for beginners and those who want to learn how to write. -------------------- (CAT:JYOHIN-MARUYAMA) JYOHIN-MARUYAMA S JYOHIN-MARUYAMA M JYOHIN-MARUYAMA L JYOHIN-MARUYAMA LL
JYOHIN-MARUYAMA LL (ink painting) / 上品円山筆 大大
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:268mm Brush head diameter:9.8mm Brush head length:42mm Product Details:This brush is a type of tsuketate brush, a brush for painting japanese painting and ink painting. This brush can be used to draw basic lines and surfaces. This brush can be used to paint plants, trees, bamboo, etc. with shading with this one brush. This brush is capable of various expressions such as delicate drawing and techniques using the side of the brush. The slightly shorter tip makes the brush resilient and easy to control, so it is recommended for beginners and those who want to learn how to write. -------------------- (CAT:JYOHIN-MARUYAMA) JYOHIN-MARUYAMA S JYOHIN-MARUYAMA M JYOHIN-MARUYAMA L JYOHIN-MARUYAMA LL
YAMAUSAGI-FUDE SS (ink painting) / 山兎筆 小小
Usage:japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:mountain rabbit Full length:220mm Brush head diameter:4.0mm Brush head length:25mm Product Details:This brush is used as a calligraphy brush and for ink painting. These brushes are more resilient and sharper than weasel hair, and the surface of the bristles is smoother and more slippery. The fine lines are very flexible and popular as a calligraphy brush. Suitable for cursive, japanese painting, line writing, fine writing, etc. Rabbit hair is an expensive raw material that has been difficult to obtain in recent years. -------------------- (CAT:YAMAUSAGI-FUDE) YAMAUSAGI-FUDE SS YAMAUSAGI-FUDE S YAMAUSAGI-FUDE M YAMAUSAGI-FUDE L
YAMAUSAGI-FUDE S (ink painting) / 山兎筆 小
Usage:japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:mountain rabbit Full length:225mm Brush head diameter:5.0mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is used as a calligraphy brush and for ink painting. These brushes are more resilient and sharper than weasel hair, and the surface of the bristles is smoother and more slippery. The fine lines are very flexible and popular as a calligraphy brush. Suitable for cursive, japanese painting, line writing, fine writing, etc. Rabbit hair is an expensive raw material that has been difficult to obtain in recent years. -------------------- (CAT:YAMAUSAGI-FUDE) YAMAUSAGI-FUDE SS YAMAUSAGI-FUDE S YAMAUSAGI-FUDE M YAMAUSAGI-FUDE L
ORONPY-FUDE SS (ink paintingPahmi) / オロンピー筆 小小
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Pahmi、Deer Tail Full length:258mm Brush head diameter:6.4mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:What is an Oronpie brush? This brush is made from the hair of a weasel family animal called a permy. This brush is used for ink painting and calligraphy。 This brush combines the clumping of the tip like a weasel hair with the strength of a and the strength of raccoon dog hair. The bristles of this brush are thick, so when the brush runs out of water, it is easy to become frayed. It can be used to draw artistic and interesting lines and surfaces. It is also used for kana works because of its sharpness. -------------------- (CAT:CAT:ORONPY-FUDE) ORONPY- SS ORONPY- FUDE S ORONPY- FUDE M ORONPY- FUDE L ORONPY- FUDE XL
Shougetsudo manufactures a variety of art brushes and paint brushes(HAKE) for Japanese-style painting, ink painting, and animation. If you are interested in brushes not available in our official online store or would like more information, please visit our main website.