Our company has been making KUMANO-FUDE, a traditional craft, since 1946 in Kumano-cho, Hiroshima. We manufacture a variety of artist brushes and paint brushes, including brushes for Japanese style painting, ink painting, and animation, as well as brushes used in calligraphy, Sanskrit, and Yuzen dyeing.

Company : SHOUGETSUDO Co. Ltd.
Postal code: 731-4221
Address: 1-3-4, Dekiniwa, Kumano-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima,Japan

business days : Monday to Friday
business hours : JST 8:00 to 17:00
TEL:+81-82-854-4429 (Japanese only)

If you wish to inquire by phone, please call Kunimasa.
I can not speak English, I will do my best to help you.
For more difficult questions, please use the contact form on our website.