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ANIME-FUDE kasumi (Ghibli,drawing lines) / アニメ用筆 霞
This brush is a Kumano-Fude, a traditional craft designated by the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Usage:Animation background art, background painting, line brush, coloring brush, poster color, watercolor Main raw material:High-grade weasel hair, high-grade goat hair, deer hair Full length:222mm Brush head diameter:6mm Brush head length:28mm Product Details:This brush is used for animation background art. This brush has an elastic tip. The tip of the ear is very well organized. This line drawing brush can draw from fine to thick lines. (CAT:ANIME-FUDE) ANIME-FUDE sakuyo ANIME-FUDE kasumi ANIME-FUDE madoka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This art brush is for drawing animation. It was developed jointly by us and STUDIO GHIBLI. It is also used by professional animators of famous animation production companies. use:drawing lines
ITACHI-SENBYO-FUDE (drawing lines,outline,weasel hair) / イタチ線描筆
Usage:Line drawing brush, Japanese painting, ink painting, watercolor painting, and picture writing. Main raw material:weasel Full length:244mm Brush head diameter:5mm Brush head length:32mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush made of weasel hair. Suitable for drafts of Japanese paintings, etc. The tips of the ear have moderate elasticity, and they hold water and clump well. Flexible lines can be drawn for a long time.
TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S (line,color,all-purpose) / 特製削用 小
Usage:line drawing brush、Color,japanese painting, ink painting, watercolor, poster color, etc. Main raw material:Weasel, special bristlegoat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:217mm Brush head diameter:6mm Brush head length:21mm Product Details:This brush is used for japanese painting and ink painting. It is a type of line drawing brush. The tip of the brush has a pointed shape, making it elastic and easy to control. It can freely draw from fine to thick lines. The core of the tip is made of weasel hair, around which a thick layer of high-quality goat hair is wrapped to maintain water retention. This brush is also used for detail coloring as it holds water well. This brush is especially suited for line drawing, but its elasticity and good water retention make it a high quality brush with a wide range of uses, from painting motifs to painting details. This brush can be used for line drawing and coloring with a single brush, making it a brush with a wide range of uses. It is also used for watercolor and acrylic paints. (CAT:TOKUSEI-SAKUYO) TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M TOKUSEI-SAKUYO L TOKUSEI-SAKUYO LL
TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M (line,color,all-purpose) / 特製削用 中
Usage:線描筆、Color,japanese painting, ink painting, watercolor, poster color, etc. Main raw material:Weasel, special bristle,goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:219mm Brush head diameter:7.5mm Brush head length:24mm Product Details:This brush is used for japanese painting and ink painting. It is a type of line drawing brush. The tip of the brush has a pointed shape, making it elastic and easy to control. It can freely draw from fine to thick lines. The core of the tip is made of weasel hair, around which a thick layer of high-quality goat hair is wrapped to maintain water retention. This brush is also used for detail coloring as it holds water well. This brush is especially suited for line drawing, but its elasticity and good water retention make it a high quality brush with a wide range of uses, from painting motifs to painting details. This brush can be used for line drawing and coloring with a single brush, making it a brush with a wide range of uses. It is also used for watercolor and acrylic paints. (CAT:TOKUSEI-SAKUYO) TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M TOKUSEI-SAKUYO L TOKUSEI-SAKUYO LL
TOKUSEI-SAKUYO L (line,color,all-purpose) / 特製削用 大
Usage:線描筆、Color,japanese painting, ink painting, watercolor, poster color, etc. Main raw material:Weasel, special bristle,goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:221mm Brush head diameter:8mm Brush head length:27mm Product Details:This brush is used for japanese painting and ink painting. It is a type of line drawing brush. The tip of the brush has a pointed shape, making it elastic and easy to control. It can freely draw from fine to thick lines. The core of the tip is made of weasel hair, around which a thick layer of high-quality goat hair is wrapped to maintain water retention. This brush is also used for detail coloring as it holds water well. This brush is especially suited for line drawing, but its elasticity and good water retention make it a high quality brush with a wide range of uses, from painting motifs to painting details. This brush can be used for line drawing and coloring with a single brush, making it a brush with a wide range of uses. It is also used for watercolor and acrylic paints. (CAT:TOKUSEI-SAKUYO) TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M TOKUSEI-SAKUYO L TOKUSEI-SAKUYO LL
TOKUSEI-SAKUYO LL (line,color,all-purpose) / 特製削用 大大
Usage:線描筆、Color,japanese painting, ink painting, watercolor, poster color, etc. Main raw material:Weasel, special bristle,goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:227mm Brush head diameter:10mm Brush head length:32mm Product Details:This brush is used for japanese painting and ink painting. It is a type of line drawing brush. The tip of the brush has a pointed shape, making it elastic and easy to control. It can freely draw from fine to thick lines. The core of the tip is made of weasel hair, around which a thick layer of high-quality goat hair is wrapped to maintain water retention. This brush is also used for detail coloring as it holds water well. This brush is especially suited for line drawing, but its elasticity and good water retention make it a high quality brush with a wide range of uses, from painting motifs to painting details. This brush can be used for line drawing and coloring with a single brush, making it a brush with a wide range of uses. It is also used for watercolor and acrylic paints. (CAT:TOKUSEI-SAKUYO) TOKUSEI-SAKUYO S TOKUSEI-SAKUYO M TOKUSEI-SAKUYO L TOKUSEI-SAKUYO LL
SOKUMYO S (drawing lines,painting color) / 則妙 小
Usage:Line drawing brush, Japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:High-grade goat hair, goat tail, Full length:214mm Brush head diameter:4mm Brush head length:20mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush. It is made of high quality goat hair and cat hair, which has high water retention capacity. Therefore, soft, graceful, and plentiful lines can be drawn. This brush is ideal for drawing outlines and entire designs. Since the tip is long in relation to the diameter, it is used to draw soft, full lines and long lines by taking advantage of its good water retention. It is also easy to draw strong and weak lines. It can be used to draw soft lines in Japanese painting and watercolor painting. This brush is also suitable for writing kana characters. It can also be used for coloring. (CAT:SOKUMYO) SOKUMYO S SOKUMYO M SOKUMYO L
SOKUMYO M (drawing lines,painting color) / 則妙 中
Usage:Line drawing brush, Japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:High-grade goat hair, goat tail, Full length:219mm Brush head diameter:5mm Brush head length:24mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush. It is made of high quality goat hair and cat hair, which has high water retention capacity. Therefore, soft, graceful, and plentiful lines can be drawn. This brush is ideal for drawing outlines and entire designs. Since the tip is long in relation to the diameter, it is used to draw soft, full lines and long lines by taking advantage of its good water retention. It is also easy to draw strong and weak lines. It can be used to draw soft lines in Japanese painting and watercolor painting. This brush is also suitable for writing kana characters. It can also be used for coloring. (CAT:SOKUMYO) SOKUMYO S SOKUMYO M SOKUMYO L
SOKUMYO L (drawing lines,painting color) / 則妙 大
Usage:Line drawing brush, Japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:High-gradegoat hair, goat tail, Full length:258mm Brush head diameter:6.5mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush. It is made of high quality goat hair and cat hair, which has high water retention capacity. Therefore, soft, graceful, and plentiful lines can be drawn. This brush is ideal for drawing outlines and entire designs. Since the tip is long in relation to the diameter, it is used to draw soft, full lines and long lines by taking advantage of its good water retention. It is also easy to draw strong and weak lines. It can be used to draw soft lines in Japanese painting and watercolor painting. This brush is also suitable for writing kana characters. It can also be used for coloring. (CAT:SOKUMYO) SOKUMYO S SOKUMYO M SOKUMYO L
KOTSUGAKI S (ink painting) / 骨書 小
Usage:付立筆、日本画、水墨画 Main raw material:黒狸、イタチ、羊毛、羊尾、鹿毛 Full length:253mm Brush head diameter:6.2mm Brush head length:30mm Product Details:This brush is used for line drawing in japanese painting and ink painting. This brush is used to draw outlines with sumi ink before starting to color in japanese painting. The tip is sharp and strong enough to draw hard lines. It is also used for line drawing of designs in ceramic painting and dyeing. It is also suitable for writing calligraphy and kana. -------------------- (CAT:KOTSUGAKI) KOTSUGAKI S KOTSUGAKI M KOTSUGAKI L
KOTSUGAKI M (ink painting) / 骨書 中
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:258mm Brush head diameter:7.0mm Brush head length:36mm Product Details:This brush is used for line drawing in japanese painting and ink painting. This brush is used to draw outlines with sumi ink before starting to color in japanese painting. The tip is sharp and strong enough to draw hard lines. It is also used for line drawing of designs in ceramic painting and dyeing. It is also suitable for writing calligraphy and kana. -------------------- (CAT:KOTSUGAKI) KOTSUGAKI S KOTSUGAKI M KOTSUGAKI L
KOTSUGAKI L (ink painting) / 骨書 大
Usage:Tsuketate brush, japanese painting, ink painting Main raw material:Black raccoon, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:263mm Brush head diameter:7.9mm Brush head length:42mm PProduct Details:This brush is used for line drawing in japanese painting and ink painting. This brush is used to draw outlines with sumi ink before starting to color in japanese painting. The tip is sharp and strong enough to draw hard lines. It is also used for line drawing of designs in ceramic painting and dyeing. It is also suitable for writing calligraphy and kana. -------------------- (CAT:KOTSUGAKI) KOTSUGAKI S KOTSUGAKI M KOTSUGAKI L
ETEGAMI-FUDE-H-brown (picture letter,drawing lines) / 絵手紙用筆 H(茶軸)
Usage:picture letter Main raw material:black raccoon dog, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:267mm Brush head diameter:7.0mm Brush head length:43mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush for picture letter. It is the most elastic of the three in the picture letter series. The hard tip makes it easy to draw lines. It is easy to control and suitable for beginners. (CAT:ETEGAMI-FUDE) ETEGAMI-FUDE-H-brown ETEGAMI-FUDE-S-white ETEGAMI-FUDE-black ETEGAMI-SAISIKI ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-S ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-L
ETEGAMI-FUDE-S-white (picture letter,drawing lines) / 絵手紙用筆 S(白軸)
Usage:picture letter Main raw material::black raccoon dog, goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:268mm Brush head diameter:7.0mm Brush head length:43mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush for picture letter. This brush has a good water content, so it can draw soft lines. Because the tip of the ear is soft, it requires some skill to control it. It is for intermediate to advanced students. (CAT:ETEGAMI-FUDE) ETEGAMI-FUDE-H-brown ETEGAMI-FUDE-S-white ETEGAMI-FUDE-black ETEGAMI-SAISIKI ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-S ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-L
ETEGAMI-FUDE-black (picture letter,drawing lines) / 絵手紙用筆 (黒軸)
Usage:picture letter Main raw material:High-grade goat hair, goat tail, Full length:268mm Brush head diameter:6.5mm Brush head length:43mm Product Details:This brush is a line drawing brush for picture letter. The tip is the softest of the three in the picture letter series. Therefore, it is possible to create unique lines. This brush is suitable for intermediate to advanced users because it is a little difficult to control the tip. (CAT:ETEGAMI-FUDE) ETEGAMI-FUDE-H-brown ETEGAMI-FUDE-S-white ETEGAMI-FUDE-black ETEGAMI-SAISIKI ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-S ETEGAMI-KUMADORI-L
Shougetsudo manufactures a variety of art brushes and paint brushes(HAKE) for Japanese-style painting, ink painting, and animation. If you are interested in brushes not available in our official online store or would like more information, please visit our main website.