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TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE SS (for batik) / 特製ローケツ用筆 小小
Usage:Roket dyeing, crafts Main raw material:goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:235mm Brush head diameter:5.5mm Brush head length:28mm Product Details:This brush is used for wax dyeing. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. This brush is made of goat hair and contains moisture well. This brush is made of the finest goat's goat hair, and its elasticity allows for line drawing. This brush is also popular as a painting brush for ceramics. (CAT:TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE) TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE S TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE M TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE L
TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE S (for batik) / 特製ローケツ用筆 小
Usage:Roket dyeing, crafts Main raw material:goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:260mm Brush head diameter:6mm Brush head length:33mm Product Details:This brush is used for wax dyeing. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. This brush is made of goat hair and contains moisture well. This brush is made of the finest goat's goat hair, and its elasticity allows for line drawing. This brush is also popular as a painting brush for ceramics. (CAT:TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE) TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE S TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE M TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE L
TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE M (for batik) / 特製ローケツ用筆 中
Usage:Roket dyeing, crafts Main raw material:goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:269mm Brush head diameter:7mm Brush head length:41mm Product Details:This brush is used for wax dyeing. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. This brush is made of goat hair and contains moisture well. This brush is made of the finest goat's goat hair, and its elasticity allows for line drawing. This brush is also popular as a painting brush for ceramics. (CAT:TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE) TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE S TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE M TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE L
TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE L (for batik) / 特製ローケツ用筆 大
Usage:Roket dyeing, crafts Main raw material:goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:279mm Brush head diameter:8mm Brush head length:50mm Product Details:This brush is used for wax dyeing. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. This brush is made of goat hair and contains moisture well. This brush is made of the finest goat's goat hair, and its elasticity allows for line drawing. This brush is also popular as a painting brush for ceramics. (CAT:TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE) TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE S TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE M TOKUSEI-ROUKETSU-FUDE L
Etsuke-fude No2(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 2号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:215mm Brush head diameter:4.5mm Brush head length:23mm
Etsuke-fude No4(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 4号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:220mm Brush head diameter:5.5mm Brush head length:27mm
Etsuke-fude No6(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 6号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:225mm Brush head diameter:6mm Brush head length:32mm
Etsuke-fude No8(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 8号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:230mm Brush head diameter:6.5mm Brush head length:37mm
Etsuke-fude No10(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 10号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:233mm Brush head diameter:8mm Brush head length:39mm
Etsuke-fude No12(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 12号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:238mm Brush head diameter:10mm Brush head length:45mm
Etsuke-fude No14(roketsu dyeing,yuzen,pottery,ceramic painting,dami)/絵付筆 ローケツ用/ダミ用 14号
They are also used in traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery painting, dami-style brush painting, roketsu dyeing, and yuzen dyeing. They are highly favored by artisans. Sizes range from 2~14. damifude is a thick brush with bundles of deer hair, used for painting ceramics. Especially when painting on unglazed porcelain, it is important to fill the brush with plenty of water, otherwise the porcelain will absorb the water and the lines will break and not last Roketsu brushes are used to apply melted wax to cloth. These brushes are used for wax dyeing, a dyeing process using wax. They are specially made to withstand hot wax. Production takes place in Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan, a town famous for its brushes, where they are made using techniques handed down over many years. Each piece is produced by artisans while respecting traditional Japanese culture. Usage:Rouketsu dyeing, ceramics, crafts. Main raw material:Goat hair, goat tail, deer hair Full length:240mm Brush head diameter:11mm Brush head length:48mm
Shougetsudo manufactures a variety of art brushes and paint brushes(HAKE) for Japanese-style painting, ink painting, and animation. If you are interested in brushes not available in our official online store or would like more information, please visit our main website.