Shopping Guide / ショッピングガイド
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TOKUSEN-ANIME-HIRAFUDE No,8 / 特選 アニメ用平筆 8号
¥4,620($29.11) tax included
Payments will be paid in Japanese yen. The price in the foreign currency is a rough estimate.
Shipping fee is not included. More information.
This item can be shipped outside of Japan.
Usage:Animation Background Art,Design,Watercolor Painting,Text depiction
Main raw material:highest grade goat's tail
Full length:265mm
Brush head Width:21mm
Brush head length:26mm
Product Details:Designed for writing animated backgrounds
(Production of this brush is currently suspended due to difficulties in obtaining good goat's tail, which is the raw material. We apologise for the inconvenience caused by the shortage, but we will resume production as soon as high-quality raw wool is available.)
This brush is made of high-quality goat hair, which is soft but has elasticity and a smooth writing feel.
It is also good for edges, and it has excellent paintability.
It can be used for thick paintings, backgrounds, roughs, blurring, etc. It is versatile.
Suitable for watercolor paintings, Japanese-style paintings, hobbies, POP design, etc., in addition to animation backgrounds.
(CAT:Anime-fude )
Shipping method / fee
Payment method
¥4,620 ($29.11) tax included
Shougetsudo manufactures a variety of art brushes and paint brushes(HAKE) for Japanese-style painting, ink painting, and animation. If you are interested in brushes not available in our official online store or would like more information, please visit our main website.